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Microjig Gravity Heel Kit


Microjig Gravity Heel Kit

Regular price £18.99 GBP
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GRR-RIPPER Gravity Heel Accessory is a fully adjustable heel with auto-retracting technology for reducing blowout.
ROUTER TABLE Gravity Heels provide a secure backing to routing operations to prevent blow out. It can also be used as a template for repeat routing.

The Gravity Heels are exceptional with long stock; they grab the tail end of your board and automatically retract mid-board.
BANDSAW Smoother, safer and more controlled cuts on the bandsaw will be second nature with the adjustability of the Gravity Heel.
TABLE SAW Virtually eliminate tear out and increase control and stability when feeding long or short stock.

Important Notice: Use Micro Jig products to improve your safety when machining, they should complement your machine guards not replace them. All relevant health and safety practices should be used which are applicable to your country of residence.

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